Story of Judson

About a year after Marcus’ diagnosis, God sovereignly allowed me to find the story of a boy named Judson Levasheff.  He was a healthy, sweet, intelligent, kind, loving, little boy who became gravely ill due to a genetic condition nobody knew he had.  At 2 years and a few months, he gradually began losing his motor skills, his vision, coordination, and speech, although he always maintained his brightness, his love for others, and his love for the Lord.  Only 5 months after the onset of this disease, the Lord took Judson and now it’s been 2 years that his parents and younger sister have been longing for him and missing him dearly.  Yet in the face of such unimaginable heartbreak, their faith and the grace that God has given them through all of this has truly been inspiring.

I cannot adequately tell you how powerfully God used his story and his parent’s testimony of suffering to encourage me at a very dark time in our own journey.  It was so good for me to witness how the Lord continued to remain good and faithful to those who have suffered horribly.  Now I can consider Christina, Jud’s mom, as my friend.  Although we’ve never met in person, the emails we’ve exchanged and the updates I’ve read on her life have been like God’s gift to encourage me.

Here’s a little preview of their story here.

And you can read the full story for yourself by purchasing their newly published book here.

One thought on “Story of Judson

  1. Sue…

    I was so surprised when I saw this post and incredibly touched by your words. Thank you for engaging our story in the midst of your own brokenness and pain and I too, consider you a friend.

    I LOVED your recent post “How Life Was Supposed to BE” having so much of it resonate with me. Thanks for writing and sharing your heart!


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